Thomas and Sharaz

Fiona Munro-BuddMartial Artist Leave a Comment

Well done to my clients Thomas and Sharaz on winning their mixed martial arts fights on Saturday. Was a pleasure to be involved in the corner team. Massage for all!

Tom Gallivan

Fiona Munro-BuddMartial Artist Leave a Comment

Tom Gallivan after a massage to ease tightness in the upper back and to keep him loose for a martial arts tournament on Saturday. All the best Tom! Massage for all.

William Buchanan

Fiona Munro-BuddMartial Artist Leave a Comment

William Buchanan a taxi driver and martial artist after a massage to ease tension in neck and upper shoulder. Left clinic with better movement and pain free. Massage for all!

Ed Calvert

Fiona Munro-BuddMartial Artist Leave a Comment

My friend Ed after a massage to ease tightness in his shoulders and back. Ed is a cancer survivor so great to see him fit and healthy and enjoying the priceless benefits of massage